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Recipe from episode 4

Broad beans on toast

This is the perfect springlish breakfast: freshly picked broad beans, which are young, tender and sweet (if they’re small enough, you don’t need to pod them!), a fried egg, nuggets of my easy-to-make fresh chorizo, all piled on sourdough. In my view, this is by far the nicest kind of beans on toast.

Serves 2

750g–1kg young broad beans in the pod
1 tsp rapeseed oil, plus extra for your toast
100–150g Tupperware chorizo
1 large or 2 smaller spring onions, finely sliced
A handful of broad bean tops
2 thick slices of bread (ideally sourdough)
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Pod the broad beans, putting the large ones in one bowl and the smaller ones in another.

Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Add the large beans, let the water return to a simmer and cook for 1 minute. Add the small beans and simmer for a further minute, 90 seconds tops. Drain the beans. Pop the large, thick-skinned ones out of their skins. very small beans don’t need to be skinned.

Shape the Tupperware chorizo into little patties and place in a lightly oiled pan set over medium-high heat. Cook until just starting to release the spices into the oil, then add the spring onions. Break up the patties a into smaller crumbs and cook for a minute longer to crisp up.

Tip in the beans and broad bean tops. Toss to combine with the chorizo and onions. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Toast the bread and then gloss with a drizzle of rapeseed oil.

Gently push the bean and chorizo mix aside in your pan. Crack the egg in and gently fry to your liking. Take the pan off the heat. Spoon the broad beans and chorizo on your toast, along with any pan juices. Cap with the fried egg and serve.

Looking for the perfect sourdough recipe or much more veg ideas?

ONLINE COURSE Sourdough and Wild Yeast BakingONLINE COURSE Sourdough and Wild Yeast Baking
ONLINE COURSESourdough and Wild Yeast BakingTaught by Andy Tyrrell

River Cottage baker Andy Tyrrell teaches you the art of sourdough and wild yeast baking. You'll be baking as you learn.

Wild yeast is all around us, the joy of foraging into flour and water to create your natural starter can be a life-long journey. Looked after correctly, your sourdough starter will provide you with the fantastic reward of your own sourdough creations for years to come.

As one of the courses in the River Cottage Cooking Diploma 'Sourdough and Wild Yeast Baking' will inspire you to experiment with new baking techniques and recipes.

ONLINE COURSEMuch More VegTaught by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

We all know we should eat more vegetables and plant-based food for our health and for the health of the planet. So how do you make sure they are always delicious?

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall teaches you how make delicious veg dishes and how to be more creative using veg in your cooking.

As one of the courses making up the River Cottage Cooking Diploma 'Much More Veg' will teach you how you can transform local, seasonal plant-based produce into vegetable dishes that will be every bit as delicious as they are good for you.

ONLINE COURSE Next Level Much More VegONLINE COURSE Next Level Much More Veg
ONLINE COURSENext Level Much More VegTaught by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall shows you how to make seasonal fresh veg and fruit exciting, inviting and down-right tempting, for even most staunch veg sceptics, in his Next Level Much More Veg online course with Learning with Experts.

You'll learn how to be creative with your veg and create a complete vegetarian dinner from starter through main courses to veg based desserts.

As one of the courses making up the River Cottage Next Level Cooking Diploma 'Next Level Much More Veg' will teach you how you can make a feast from local, seasonal vegetables.