Matt’s Freedom Log (aka ‘Rocket’) Hive
Good insulation, providing a consistent and comfortable temperature, is one of the key requirements for honeybees. Matt Somerville’s research shows that straw and log hives are much more thermally efficient than modern hives which have much thinner walls. Better insulation reduces stress and energy consumption, maintaining warmth during winter; it also helps to prevent overheating in hot weather.
Colonies of bees in wild or feral settings often chose quiet, warm or well insulated sites several metres above the ground, such tree cavities or nooks in buildings. Emulating their natural habitat, Matt’s runs workshops where you can make your own Freedom Log Hive fashioned from trees blown down in storms or felled when at risk of falling. The log hives have an internal volume that is attractive to bees and are a minimum of 45cm in diameter and 80 – 90cm long. The cavity is fitted with top cover board and rain cover and then a removable board is rebated into the bottom, allowing for inspection of colony growth and development. If the bees have access to good clean floral nutrition no other intervention or treatment is needed.
To find out more about Matt Somerville’s Bee Kind Hives and sustainable beekeeping, visit
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